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Three countries – One Forum on 12.10.2023 : recap of the networking event

Fostering Innovation and Regional Cooperation

Introduction: In a world that is increasingly interconnected, fostering innovation and regional cooperation has become crucial for driving economic growth and addressing shared challenges. This was the central theme of the recent networking event that brought together thought leaders and experts from Belgium, Luxembourg, and Germany on 12 October in Eupen (BE). The event featured a lineup of distinguished speakers who shared their insights on innovation in critical fields, including energy supply, health tech, and artificial intelligence. In this article, we recap the key points from the speech given by the Head of the Economic Department of the Embassy of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Belgium, Ms Claudine Otto, and highlight the significance of regional collaboration.

Energy Supply for the Industry: One of the key topics discussed during the event was the energy supply for the industry. The panelists, including Wouter Bleukx, Alexander Garbar, and David Zenner, emphasized the importance of green energy supply in Belgium, Germany, and Luxembourg. They discussed the role of hydrogen in the industry, infrastructure development, and the transition to sustainable energy sources. It was evident that regional collaboration is essential to ensure energy security and promote economic development.

HealthTech Innovation: HealthTech, a rapidly evolving sector, also took center stage at the event. Dr. Christian Flottmann and Arja Roos presented innovative solutions from start-ups and scale-ups in the field. Luxembourg's dynamic approach to health tech, with over 50% of companies incorporated in the last decade, highlights the region's commitment to fostering innovation. Luxembourg's HealthTech Cluster, managed by Luxinnovation, plays a vital role in supporting the growth of health tech companies, driving technological advancements that benefit the healthcare industry.

Data-Driven Innovation: The speakers underscored Luxembourg's commitment to remaining at the forefront of data-driven innovation. Initiatives like the GovTech Lab and the creation of a digital twin of the country showcase the government's dedication to harnessing the potential of digital technologies. Luxembourg's collaboration with Belgium in the EDIC Blockchain project and the partnership between Proximus and LuxConnect further demonstrate the region's commitment to digital sovereignty and secure data storage capacities. The participation in initiatives like GAIA-X and the launch of the MeluXina supercomputer reinforce Luxembourg's position as a hub for advanced technologies.

Boosting Trade Relations: Trade and economic relations between Luxembourg, Belgium, and Germany were another focal point of the event. Luxembourg's trade activities with its neighboring countries account for more than 50% of its overall trade. Germany, in particular, is a significant economic partner, representing approximately 27% of total foreign trade. The creation of trade sections and business clubs within embassies in Brussels and Berlin underscores Luxembourg's commitment to supporting its companies in expanding their trade partnerships.

Conclusion: The networking event served as a platform to highlight the transformative potential that lies within regional cooperation. The speeches by key speakers emphasized the importance of working together in critical areas like energy supply, health tech, and data-driven innovation. As Luxembourg, Belgium, and Germany continue to collaborate and innovate, it's clear that their partnership will play a pivotal role in driving economic growth and technological progress. This event has showcased the power of regional collaboration in fostering innovation and addressing shared challenges, ultimately benefiting all three nations.


The event was hosted by AHK Debelux and organised in cooperation with, i.a.,:

the Business Club Luxembourg-Germany,
the Business Club Belgium-Luxembourg,
the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
and other partners.

Information and registration
The event was subject to a fee. BCBL members benefitted from a special rate.

More information on the event and registration on the website of the AHK Debelux.